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Streets, Bridges, and Sidewalks Advisory Board

Streets, Bridges, and Sidewalks Advisory Board

The Streets, Bridges and Sidewalks Advisory Board (SBSAB) is an advisory board for the City of San Antonio that was established on January 26, 2023, and was created for the following purposes:
  1. Monitor and track the progress and successful completion of approved and below-the-line projects included in the City’s Bond Streets, Bridges, and Sidewalks Bond Proposition;
  2. Serve as communication ambassadors to review and advise City Council and City staff on how to improve outreach efforts to residents and businesses affected by construction and other communication initiatives related to streets, bridges, and sidewalk projects as needed;
  3. Lead the community process with staff’s assistance to define and prioritize projects for their respective district not already defined within the bond brochure; and
  4. Ensure a transparent process in prioritizing future City street, bridge, and sidewalk investments.
The board is composed of 11 members: 10 District-appointed members appointed by their respective Councilmembers and one member appointed by the Mayor. Members each serve a two-year term of office concurrent with the term of the appointing City Councilmember. 

LiaisonStephanie Flores Rice – (210) 207-0696

Apply for the Streets, Bridges, and Sidewalks Advisory Board here.

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